Sunday, May 29, 2011

Keeping Hamster

Funny and cute, that's the first impression when you see the hamster. Anyone would have fallen in love with this little animal. Keeping a hamster isn't too difficult, the most important thing you must consider the needs of eating and drinking, and cleaning of the cages. Here we provide tips for beginners, may be useful:

1. You should be able to ensure if all your family members love hamsters, because hamsters are animals that must be noted. Hamsters can not find food by themselves, so we have to routinely provide them. Also make sure if there are no family members who have an allergy to feathers.
2. You should prepare the budget and costs, which will be issued to buy hamsters, cages and other equipment. Price of hamsters were variable, depending on the type and color of hamsters. Don't be tempted by cheap prices, because good sellers usually will not sell at a cheap price to maintain the quality of hamster. Don't forget the cost for the needs of the cage, sawdust, food and beverages.

3. Buying a hamster at a petshop or buy at a good breeder, to ensure the quality of the hamster. Many breeders who breed the hamster incorrectly, for example, hybridization between species, which have a risk of getting a defective offspring.
4. Determining the species of hamster that we will keep. There are many species of hamsters are maintained, for example, Syria hamster (Mesocricetus auratus), champbell hamster (Phodopus champbelli), winter white hamster (Phodopus sungorus), and Roborovski hamster (Phodopus roborovskii) and etc.
5. Prepare the cage and equipment properly. Please note, that the hamster is a pet that needs special attention. Hamsters are not resistant to heat and cold temperatures, strong winds, and water. You need a cage which given sawdust, to keep the cage warm and clean.

If you are able to understand the tips on above, caring for the hamster will be easier. Make the hamster as a lovely pet in your home. Thank you..

Friday, May 20, 2011

Chihuahua Dog

Chihuahua is the kind of pet dogs who are funny and interesting. Before you maintain it, it would be nice to know the characteristics of a dog who came from Mexico according to the history  first:

- Chihuahua have a small body size and rather long, with tails which are generally short. Chihuahua tail usually curved toward the back, toward the head and upright like an antenna. 

- Having a dark-colored eyes, nose black or brown if the fur is white or the color of youth. Having a head like an apple shape, with large ears and beautiful. Chihuahua ears stand erect and its location makes an angle of 45 degrees when viewed from the front. 

-Has 2 types of fur, which is long hair(long fur) and short hair(short fur). Both types can be given in marriage that will produce the type long hair or short hair types. For hair color, color Chihuahua have varied, depending on the intersection between the color of dog hair. 

- Adult weight range from 2 pounds to 5 pounds, with a height of about 20 centimeters, while for new-born puppy weighs between 60 grams to 90 grams with a body length of about 10 centimeters. 

For treatment, the type Chihuahua not require handling. Its fur is combed 2-3 times a week. To bathe, just 2 times a month, or depending on the level of cleanliness of body. 

Chihuahua need a place to live a comfortable, perfect with a tropical climate (not too hot and cold). You simply provide a box with blankets in it, cihuahua would love to stay there. 

This dogs love to run, then provide a comfortable and safe place for this dog. But do not put this dog unfamiliar or crowded places, because it will usually be easy to stress. 

Due to its small size, these dogs also need a little food. For adult dogs only need 50 grams of premium quality dog ​​food each day. With too little food, you do not have to bother to clean up droppings. 

Chihuahua will bark when meet the stranger, so they will match if it is used as an alarm dog. Don't forget if cihuahua is the smallest dog in the world, and certainly also a very cute dog. Wonderfull dog ...!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Tips for buying Persian cat

For a beginner, need attention in determining and selecting a Persian cat. There are a few tips that should be noted below: 

1. First specify what type of Persian cat would you be maintained, example:  

- Persian long hair (long hair) / exotic (short hair)  
- Males / females 
 - Quality (pet, breed, show)  
- Puppies / adults 
 - Nose type: medium, pug, etc.

2. Ask for advice from an expert to buy or choose cat kitten persian race in accordance with their respective lifestyles. 

3. Prepare fund in determining the persian kitten who would you choose for a cat's life is guaranteed. 

4. Prepare the cage and proper equipment for the kittens can live healthy, comfortable and happy. 

5. Make sure you buy a cat in a trusted place, do not in any place that doesn't guarantee the authenticity of the cat's pedigree and health. 

6. Make sure that the cat who would you buy / adopt a healthy free from various diseases. 

7. It is important to observe and learn persian cat personality, whether the cat is lazy, submissive or lover. 

8. Although the cat spent 2 / 3 time to sleep, but the cat is an animal that is always vigilant. Try to hold the tail, even when asleep, a healthy cat will wake up. 

9. Healthy cats usually have a dense fur. Feathers are often due to cats suffering from rare skin disease. 

10. Healthy kitten is not fleas. Cat fleas showed that the most likely suffering from worms. A healthy cat remove solid impurities, while for a sick cat, watery or liquid form.
Good luck with tips from us. Hopefully these tips can help you buy / adopt a persian cat.

Dog Treatment Tips

Please refer to the following steps.

1. Accustomed to start the day by cleaning the dog's face from the eyes, ears, nose up to the mouth. We recommend using a type of soft cloth that has been moistened with warm water.

2. Dogs are basically happy with the water, but bathing the dog too often can bring the adverse implications for the treatment of dog hair, especially long-haired. It is recommended to bathe the dog 1-3 times a week in normal conditions. After bathing, do not forget to dry the dog's fur with a soft towel to the dog's fur is completely dry.

3. Be diligent to cut dog's nails are already long. But remember, lest we cut the blood vessels in the nail that looks even brighter.

4. Strive to always clean up dog hair from the dirt by way of combing or brushing with a comb or soft brush.

5. Occasionally check the dog's teeth and wipe clean with a toothbrush.

6. Provide de-worming, and regular vaccination of dogs according to age.

7. No less important is we have to keep cleaning the kennels and the surrounding environment. Because if we note the lack of cleanliness, this would be bad not only for our beloved dog, but also can be fatal for our own health.

8. And finally, frequently check our beloved dog to the vet.

Treatment can be seen in the picture below :

 Dog bathing

Dog brushing teeth
 Dog check up

How to taking care of our pets

At the present, taking care of a pet is a very fun hobby, and not constrained due to aging, ranging from children, young people, even parents like this activity. We as pet owners, should know the needs required. Nutritious food, comfortable cages, good sanitation, are some things that need our attention

Nutritious food for dog 
Speaking of pet food, of course we need to know about the nutritional content of food we provide. Don't be too much to give foods that contain cholesterol because it will make our pets become unhealthy. In addition, of course we don't forget to provide enough drinking water.

 Dog cages

Cat cages
Cleaning the cage is very important, so every day we have to clean it up.Spraying the cage is also needed to keep our pets are protected from disease
As owners, we should consider pets as family members, because with it, the relationship between us and the pets will always be maintained, that our lives will always be happy.